Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Native American Spiny Oyster Shell Jewelry

 Native Americans have been using spiny oyster shells in their jewelry for hundreds of years. Spiny Oyster or Spondylus is a type of bivalve mollusk found in all subtropical and tropical seas, usually close to the coasts. They are not, in fact, oysters but rather they are in the same family as scallops. While they are not closely related to true oysters; they do share some habits such as cementing themselves to rocks rather than attaching themselves by a byssus.

Shown here are examples of actual purple and orange spiny oyster shells (not for sale). As you look at the raw shells, imagine the cutting & polishing skills required to turn these rough shells into such elegant finished jewelry!  We have lots of spiny oyster jewelry available for sale on our website.   

Archaeological evidence indicates that pre-historic peoples have been trading spiny oyster shells to make bangles and other ornaments for thousands of years. Spondylus harvested from the Gulf of California were traded to tribes throughout Mexico and the American Southwest.

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